Thursday, May 10, 2007

The new journal

So.. this is my first entry. I don't have much to say at the moment.. I'm just watching USA and talking to my man. I don't know how often I will actually update this journal, as I already have one. I guess you can never have enough journals to express yourself or whine in, though. I guess more than anything I'm in a cuddly mood, and I'm in the state where you're awake, but not quite awake, and you can think clearly, but you really aren't motivated to do anything, and if you did attempt to do something you'd get sleepy. I don't know if that makes sense, but draw your own conclusions. Yay, I hope my journal is coo.

1 comment:

lokicarbis said...

I did the same thing you did.I wanted more pictures, and a new layout, and I like the old ones. Plus I wanted a new name.So I got THIS journal.What's the username for your other journal, if you don't mind me knowing?My other one is Eusamie. I update that one a LOT.